Visions, Goals, and Thanks 2016
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Monday, January 01, 2018
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Sara Grise Photography went through some big changes in 2015. I moved my family from Mesa, Az to Marietta, Ga. Some might think that is crazy because of the weather differnece, but not me. I love to have the seasons back.But it is quick chilly here right now. Being that I am orginally from Indiana, I was starting to miss the seasons. Don't get me wrong, I didn't mind eating outside for Thanksgiving! But I was ready to start wearing sweaters and boots. I definitely get that here in Georgia. We moved to be closed to family. We have my sister here and the rest of our family in Indiana. Just a car drive away!


Big Things Remembered from the year. 

  • Snow in Feburary. 
  • Meeting a copperhead in my backyard. Eek, that is what an acre of land gets you in Georgia.  
  • Campfires in the backyard. 
  • Hanging with my sister and her family, watching the boys grow up. 
  • Six Flags Membership! Love the water park in the summer!
  • Playing in the leaves.
  • Driving distance to our Indiana side of the family. 

Even though we were new to the area, we were able to establish connections with new customers here in Georgia. Thank you to our new customers. We are appreciate your business in our first year here! 


In 2016 I have set some goals and visions for myself and the company.


1. Networking:  I have set my goal of meeting more new people.

I am going to start volunteering in my kids events and look to join a business organization.  

2. Social Responsiblity: I have 3 set events that I am going to run this year to work on giving back. Also looking for opporutniy to donate my talents to charity. If you know of a silent auction coming up, please let me know.  The three events are going on throughout the year. 

April: Celebration Smile; $24 for a portrait and session, donations go to Celebration Smile Organization

Day in the park, to have fun, and get an updated portrait of the kids, the dog, or must needed headshot for Linkedin, just in time for Mother's Day. 

August: Back To School Drive; bring a backpack full of supplies to be donated to schools/ students in need. I still need an organization for this, I am open for recommendations. 

Novermber/December: Christmas Angels, opporutnity to pick an Angel to purchase for a gift 

3. Fitness: I want to run a 10k this year. I like to run to stay in shape, but never set a goal of a 10k. Any favorite races out there?

4. Senior Modeling Program: I am looking to run my first year of my modeling program for 2017. If you have any juniors that you would like to recommendation, I would love to reach out to give them more 

information of the funs things to come in 2016/2017.  You can send your Seniors Right to this link!


Thank you for everyone that has helped with the growing of 2015! I am excited to see what 2016 has to bring!

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